Cove Dishwasher Code 800140:  Quickest Ways To Fix It

You step up to your Cove dishwasher, ready to tackle the post-meal cleanup and notice something unusual. 

You’re greeted by a weird code. Is it a cause for concern, or just a minor hiccup in your dishwashing routine?

When you notice Cove Dishwasher Code 800140, it means the pump’s working overtime during draining or the backup pressure check can’t fix drainage issues. That might be due to loose wires, a stuck float switch, a clog, or a motor problem. To tackle it, check and secure wires, unblock the float switch, clear any clogs, or inspect the motor.

In this post, I’ll show you why it pops up and, more importantly, how to get your dishwasher back in top shape, so you can wash those dishes without a hitch.

Let’s get started!

What Causes Cove Dishwasher Code 800140?

What Causes Cove Dishwasher Code 800140

As I said, there’s more than one reason for it happening. I’ll walk you through all the biggest reasons one by one.

Reason 1: Issue With Wire Harness Connection

When the wires inside your dishwasher are not properly connected, it probably won’t even run at half of its usual efficiency.

The dishwasher’s parts can’t talk to each other effectively, so it doesn’t know when to start draining.

Reason 2: Stuck Float Switch

The float switch is like a water level gauge in your dishwasher. If it gets stuck in the raised position, it’s like it thinks there’s more water than there actually is.

As a result, the dishwasher keeps waiting to drain, even when it shouldn’t.

Reason 3: Clogged Air Accumulator In Sump

Inside the dishwasher, there’s a part called the air accumulator. 

The air accumulator helps maintain the water pressure inside the dishwasher, and when it’s obstructed, it can disrupt the dishwasher’s ability to maintain the right water pressure for draining.

Reason 4: Clogged Drain Filter

Clogged Drain Filter

Think of the drain filter as a kitchen strainer. Its job is to catch food particles, but when it’s too clogged, it’s like trying to drink a thick shake through a narrow straw. 

Water can’t flow smoothly, so the dishwasher can’t drain properly.

Your Cove dishwasher may show a “Clean Filter” message after about 30 cycles – but even if you don’t see it, the clogged filter can still be an issue.

Reason 5: Issue With Pump Motor

The pump motor is the engine of your dishwasher. 

If it’s not running well or doesn’t have enough power (measured as 30 Ω on a multimeter), it’ll struggle to push the water out. 

This leads to slow or incomplete draining.

How To Fix Cove Dishwasher Code 800140

How To Fix Cove Dishwasher Code 800140

Here are all the ways you can get rid of the code.

Fixing Wire Harness Connection

Let’s start out by discussing how you can get the wires back in order.

  1. Start by turning off your dishwasher and unplugging it from the wall.
  2. Open the dishwasher’s front door to access the control panel. You might need to remove some screws or panels that are in the way.
  3. Inside, you’ll see a bunch of wires connected to different parts. Check if any of them are loose or not connected properly. Make sure they’re snugly attached.
  4. Look closely at the wires. If any of them look damaged, like they’re frayed or the metal inside is showing, they may need to be replaced.
  5. Put everything back together, secure any panels or screws you removed earlier.
  6. Plug your dishwasher back in, and run a test wash to see if the error code is gone.

Fixing Stuck Float Switch

Taking care of the float switch is pretty easy. More often than not, it only needs a little helping hand – you don’t have to go as far as to get a whole replacement.

  1. Get started by turning off your dishwasher.
  2. Find the float switch, usually down at the bottom. 
  3. Check around the float switch for any bits of food or objects that might be blocking it. Remove them.
  4. Try lifting and releasing the float. It should move easily up and down. If it doesn’t, see if there’s something stuck that’s causing it to stay up still – remove anything you spot.
  5. Plug your dishwasher back in and check if the error code has disappeared.

Fixing Clogged Air Accumulator In Sump

Here’s what you need to do with the Air Accumulator:

  1. Turn off your dishwasher and unplug it.
  2. Access the sump area, often at the bottom of the dishwasher, by removing the lower rack and the spray arm.
  3. Look for any gunk or debris around the air accumulator.
  4. Use a sponge or cloth to clean everything thoroughly.
  5. Put the lower rack and spray arm back in place.
  6. Plug your dishwasher back in and see if the error code is gone after running a test wash.

Fixing Clogged Drain Filter

Fixing Clogged Drain Filter

Cleaning filters is a pretty regular task, and just about everyone and their mom knows how to do it. 

But, if you’re new to the dishwasher thing, you might be asking “How do I clean the filter on my Cove dishwasher?”

Well, let me break it down for you:

  1. Turn off your dishwasher and unplug it to make sure it’s completely safe to work on.
  2. Remove the lower rack and the lower spray arm.
  3. Twist the filter counterclockwise and lift it out.
  4. Clean the filter with soapy water. If it’s really dirty, use a soft brush, not a harsh one like a wire brush or scouring pad.
  5. Put the filter back by pushing it down and twisting it clockwise until it’s snug.
  6. Reattach the lower spray arm and lower rack.
Note: Remember to clean the filter regularly, especially if you’ve been doing a lot of dishes. Don’t rely solely on the “Clean Filter” message, as it doesn’t consider how dirty the filter actually is.

Fixing The Pump Motor

Now, finally – the least common yet probably the most expensive reason. You can usually fix the issue by hand; here’s how to do so:

  1. Turn off your dishwasher and unplug it first.
  2. Access the pump motor, usually by removing a panel or reaching it from inside the dishwasher.
  3. Use a multimeter to check the pump motor’s resistance. It should be around 30 Ω.
  4. If the reading is significantly different, the pump motor might be faulty and need replacing.
  5. However, before going for a replacement, check for any loose wires or connections around the pump motor. If you find any, reseat them securely.
  6. Also, make sure there are no blockages in the area where the pump motor is located. Sometimes, debris can jam the motor.
  7. Put everything back as it was.
  8. Plug your dishwasher back in and run a test wash to see if the error code is no longer there.


How do I reset my Cove dishwasher?

Here’s a quick rundown of the reset process for Cove dishwashers:

  1. First, press the Cancel button twice.
  2. Next, press and hold the Options button for about ten seconds. You’ll see “User Set Up” on the display.
  3. Now, press the Options button several times to go through the different options you want to adjust.
  4. When you find the setting you want, press the Enter button to select it.
  5. If you change your mind or want to exit without making changes, simply press the Cancel button.

How long do Cove dishwashers last?

Well, you might be pleasantly surprised to hear that Cove Dishwashers are true workhorses. I’ve heard stories from friends and clients who’ve had theirs chugging along for a solid decade. But wait, there’s more! These dependable machines are said to keep going strong for a whopping 20 years. That’s like having a dishwasher that outlasts most appliances twice over and even gives some of those trusty Bosch dishwashers a run for their money.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, the ins and outs of Cove Dishwasher Code 800140. 

Don’t let those numbers baffle you any longer. Don’t worry, next time any drainage hiccups happen, you can fix them yourself with the tips in this post. 

Fingers crossed, you won’t end up having to replace the drain pump – these usually cost as much as $150 or more.

Just remember, a little TLC and timely cleaning can go a long way in preventing the need for costly replacements. 

Good luck with getting rid of the error!

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